Thursday, January 3, 2013

Floss Road Map

In the 2010 edition of the 2020 FLOSS Roadmap, Laisne, Aigrain, Bollier, and Tieman (2010) address the start of the Commons paradigm, the nature of FLOSS being global and cloud computing appearing as the key issues for FLOSS. The roadmap offers a projection of the influences that FLOSS will have up to 2020 and highlights possible impacts by FLOSS from a economical view in the information society. Additionally, the roadmap examines the questions of how openness is instrumental to modern innovation, how openness can improve industry, and how certain areas of the government could benefit from becoming more open.

Moreover, the roadmap points out the constraints that average users run up against as technology progress. One important constraint involves financial resources. The economic crisis and technological inflation pose the main cause to limited financial funds. FLOSS or Free/Libre Open Source Software offer a possible solution to easing financial burdens. Maintenance and customizing FLOSS still will cost, but the initial package is free. Another important constraint is security. Cyber criminals and privacy protection are the main concerns of security. FLOSS offers several unique advantages over closed software. First, the source code is available for the entity to patch or customize. Secondly, an entire community with many eyes look over the code, quick to point out flaws and security holes. Additionally, FLOSS developers are quick to release patches and new releases.

Furthermore, FLOSS is more than just innovative technology. Our global economy yearns for improvement and advancement. Technological progress in communication and information through FLOSS communities can help leverage entities’ efficiency and maximize profits. “FLOSS has tangible social value exceeding the social value created by closed and proprietary developments profitable only by the wealthiest.” (Laisne, Aigrain, Bollier,and Tieman, 2010, p. 12)

FLOSS contributes significantly to building prosperity and promises future economic advantages through shared knowledge. The FLOSS economy includes people and does not exclude them like closed systems. Additionally, FLOSS limits resistance in the digital society and leverages creation and innovation. However, FLOSS’ fate relies on the adoption of a powerful uniformed vision. The Commons paradigm provides the foundation, but only the future will show the adoption rate of FLOSS.


Laisne, J., Aigrain, P., Bollier, D., and Tieman, M. (2010). 2020 FLOSS Roadmap. Retrieved March 19, 2012 from

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